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Reiki Level 1 & 2 Training and Certification Class in Los Angeles - Two-Day Training

  • Moon Yogi 1337 North Sierra Bonita Avenue West Hollywood, CA, 90046 United States (map)


Become a Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioner
in Los Angeles, California!


12 hour in-person training
Day I: Wednesday, April 24th, 10 am - 4 pm
Break / Integration: 1 week
Day II: Wednesday, May 1st, 10 am - 4 pm
Location: East Hollywood
Number of students is limited to 10 people
Tuition: $550

About this Reiki Training

This two-day intensive combines theory and practice, totaling 12 hours of in-person training. You'll receive comprehensive Reiki Level 1 & 2 Training, including attunement, a Reiki Practitioner Manual, and a Certificate of Completion.

You will learn the Fundamentals of Reiki Energy Healing, explore different approaches to the flow of your session, learn to utilize different techniques and tools within a Reiki treatment.

This class is usually taken by those who are just beginning their energy healing practitioner journey and want to dive into learning Reiki with an intention to practice on other people / practicing professionally. If you are planning to offer Reiki treatments to the public, this class is for you. We will be discussing many practical subjects including a business side of a professional Reiki Practice. Please refer to the class outlines for more information.

If you‘ve never received Reiki, I recommend having a session prior to the class. It is not mandatory, however having an experience of receiving energy work will make your learning experience easier.


Class Flow and Schedule


Wednesday, June 12th, 10 am - 4 pm - Theory and Practice - 6 hours. During this first meeting we discuss the fundamentals of Reiki and begin practicing feeling and moving energy.


One Week in between the sessions gives you the time and the opportunity to integrate what you’ve learned, read through the printed materials and your Reiki Manual, practice on yourself and others, do your homework, come up with questions, rest and prepare for the final part of the class.


Wednesday, June 19th, 10 am - 4 pm - Practice Session - 6 hours. This is the day of the training where we will be practicing on each other, talking about legalities of your Reiki Practice, discussing the business side of your Professional Reiki Practice, and answering questions.


For your convenience, I have created a supporting online resource for Reiki Practitioners that you will be able to use during and after your training. Here you will find homework guidelines, additional information and reading, supporting links, articles, playlists, tools / equipment recommendations and links to them, downloadable documents, guidelines on developing your practice and more - all in one place.


Reiki 1 & 2 Class Outlines

Theory and Practice

  • The origin and history of Reiki. Approaches to working with Reiki.

  • The nature of Reiki energy: what is Reiki and how it works - traditional and modern view.

  • Reiki Practitioner’s self-care: how to practice effectively and safely.

  • Three Pillars of Reiki: exploring the technique of Reiki and its foundation.

  • Japanese Reiki Techniques as taught by Mikao Usui.

  • Byosen Scanning.

  • Hayashi Healing Guide.

  • Fundamental treatment as taught by Hawayo Takata.

  • The Reiki hand positions for self-treatment and for treatment others.

  • Reiki Touch, its essence and safety.

  • Receiving of both Attunements.

  • Hands-on practice: how to feel energy.

  • Performing a complete Reiki session: creating a smooth flow of the session from the beginning to the end. How to open and close a session.

  • Using tools in Reiki Sessions, setting up your healing space.

  • Reiki 1 & 2 Manual, Printed materials.


Reading, practicing, integrating the first part of the class. Self-study using Online Reiki Portal.

Practice Session

  • Addressing questions, challenges and sharing experiences.

  • Reiki 2 symbols: how to draw, activate and use them.

  • Distant healing techniques.

  • The Reiki Ideals and Code of Ethics: how they apply to your Professional Reiki Practice.

  • Business side of your Reiki Practice:

    • opening a business,

    • practicing Reiki in California Legally,

    • protecting your practice: things you need to know to practice safely and with confidence,

    • tips on how to conduct and promote your practice as a business.

  • Hands-on practice: giving a complete Reiki treatment, feedback exchange.

  • Receiving Reiki.

  • Class Certificate.


After each session, you will receive the access to Day 1 and Day 2 of your online Reiki Practitioner Portal where you will find homework guidelines, additional information and reading, supporting links, articles, playlists, tools / equipment recommendations and links to them, downloadable documents, guidelines on developing your practice and more.

How to Sign Up for this Reiki Training

To Reserve your Spot in the class, please follow these steps:

Please, fill out the registration form below and add YOUR NAME the way you want it to be on your certificate.

Please read, understand and sight the form below.

Summary of the agreement: the deposit is not refundable/transferable if, for any reason, including but not limited to, personal reasons, illness, change of plans or any other circumstances that may arise if you are cancelling or rescheduling your participation in Reiki Training class after 10 am on Saturday, June 8th or don’t show up on Wednesday, June 12th and/or Wednesday, June 19th. By sending your deposit you agree with these terms and conditions.

Please send your deposit of $100 using the button below. When sending the deposit, please:
- Add your our NAME the way you want it to be on your certificate, 
- Add The DATE of the class you are taking to the message of the payment. The deposit is sent via Venmo, please contact to send your deposit via Zelle or Apple Pay.

Example: Your Name, June 12/19

When your deposit is processed, you will receive a confirmation email with the class guidelines and all the necessary information on how to prepare for your Reiki Attunement and the upcoming Reiki 1 & 2 Training class, address for your training, and a copy of your deposit agreement.


I look forward to sharing Reiki energy with you!